Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Closer than breathing" William Samuel

Who sees the tree? Bill or Deity? Does a body do the seeing or does AWARENESS, CONSCIOUSNESS, LIFE see it? What sees the tree? Consciousness?—or a body-centred custodian of consciousness?
Where is the tree? 57 feet 6 inches removed from a body-oriented big wheel container of awareness, a judge who likes or dislikes what he sees?—or is the tree within awareness? Is the seeing of the tree the activity of a separate-from-the-things-I-see recipient-of-life, a so-many-year old male or female, a pump filled organism who looks out through bloodshot eyes and answers to the name of Bill?—or could it be that it is DEITY being the “seeing”? Indeed, isn’t it just possible that ISNESS, REALITY, GOD, is the seer “seeing” and being the seen? Could we be Life ITSELF rather than the recipient of it? Indeed we can! We are!
But lordy, lordy, what this does to the old theological concept of a bestowing God. What this does to the old theological view of a man born in sin, a recipient of Life—or to the oft-expressed metaphysical view that Self-ignorance, via its own effort, must lift itself up to Wisdom. We awaken to find the great gulf 'twixt God and man has gone. God is no longer remote. We are no longer a fawning, cringing recipient of Life worshiping a non-existent Bestow-er. This life right here is IT. THIS living, THIS seeing, THIS being is the IT that GOD is BEING—“Closer than breathing,” as the prophet said.

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